How do I register for Holiday Club?
A booking page will be available on our website for registration a month before Holiday Club. A link to the booking page will be visible on our homepage. Please fill in ONE registration form for EACH CHILD.​
Is my child the right age for Holiday Club?
Holiday Club is run for primary school aged children - ages 4-11 are welcome. We have to restrict the sessions for primary school age children because they are able to enjoy these activities unsupervised.
What is the cost for the week?
It's all absolutely free! All workers are volunteers, and Holiday Club is our gift to the community.
If you would really like to give a donation, there is a box and a QR code on the registration desk during the week.
When and how do I drop off and collect my child?
Drop off and registration is at 9:45am, and the session starts at 10:00am. Please come to collect your child promptly at 12:30pm. If your child is to be collected by someone else, please let us know.
If you are unable to do this, or if your child is to go home on his/her own, please let us know.
We ask that you enter through the front door and go through the building, exiting through the fire door, to prevent congestion.
What if I am late to pick up?
We encourage punctual pick up. If you know you are going to be late to pick up your child, we ask that you inform us at drop. We stay in the building after the session is over for a debrief, and your child will be well looked after.
Can I stay with my child?
Unfortunately, due to limited space, we have to ask you to leave your child under our supervision. On the Sunday, we have a Holiday Club family service at 10:30am where you are very welcome to come and see what we've got up to in the week.
What does my child need to bring on the day?
Every child has a safe place where they can leave their personal belongings, but space is limited. Any medication is looked after by the group leader.
There is no need to pack a snack. We have a refreshment time every day, where each group sits down with a drink and snacks. We will ask you for any dietary restrictions at the time of booking; we will do our best to accommodate these.
Please dress your child in comfortable clothing, weather appropriate. If the week is particularly hot, please provide your child with a hat and water bottle; if it is raining, please provide them with an outer covering.
If your child is in KS2, they may wish to wear trainers for outdoor games.
What happens if my child can no longer attend due to other circumstances?
We ask that you inform us immediately you are aware your child cannot attend, whether due to illness or any other circumstances. You will not be charged, but we will be able to give your child's place to someone on the waiting list, even if it is just for the day.
Can my child be in the same group as their friend/sibling if they are different ages?
In order for your child to get the most out of their time at Holiday Club, they will be grouped based on their school years. Each age group has age appropriate teaching, its own identity and is allocated group leaders. We unfortunately cannot make any exceptions of placing friends or siblings together.​
What is the child to adult ratio?
We always endeavour to work to a ratio of 1:4. There are always a minimum of two members of staff with each group.
Can my child have their mobile device with them?
We completely understand if you wish for your child to keep their phone with them if they are making their way home on their own. However, we do ask that all mobile devices should be switched off and stay in bags at their group's base for the duration of the session.
We require your contact number for any emergencies.